This project was originally brought to us due to sticker shock. The millworker would have charged over $15,000 to build the counters for a service area. The designer on this project asked the Würk dealer if they could come up with something more cost-effective. The project was quoted and sold for under $9,000 including delivery and installation saving the client over $6,000.
The challenge
The client had an opening in less than three weeks and they needed the counters to be ready on day one. But challenges are something that push us forward. Thanks to the LEAN manufacturing practices that we use at Würk and simplifying the designs from a manufacturing standpoint, this wasn’t a problem. Once the client had signed off on the drawing package, the product was manufactured and installed within their desired lead time. The product delivered was superior to millwork. Let’s explain it below.
Benefits of Würk furniture over millwork
When we design and manufacture, we use invisible fasteners that allow to take the product apart without destroying it. It makes the product future proof in case you need to move it, remove or add elements. Unlike millwork, where the product is built generally on-site using screws, nails and laminated over. The lifecycle of Würk furniture product is more attractive as it will adapt to changes that your business encounter.
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